General Manager – Industrial Manufacturing Company

As a mid-level and executive business manager with several small to large companies, I have engaged many recruitment firms to assist me with identifying and hiring new employees.

Unquestionably, from the services provided, the thoroughness of search process, and the quality of candidates identified, Kyle and the team at Skywater Search Partners is head and shoulders above all other search firms with whom I have worked in identifying the best candidates. It would be extremely difficult to persuade me to use a different search firm for any future engagements.

Engineering Manager – Medical Machinery Company

Thanks for reaching out. Overall, I liked Zach’s approach. He reached out and learned our team’s needs but did end up staying back after interviews were started. We hired pretty quickly after the first few candidates we reviewed.

Director of Development Engineering – Electronic Manufacturing

I’ve been working with recruiting services to hire engineers for about 15 years now.  I get cold calls from new recruiters all the time but have found very few worth my time.  There’s only one fellow I have been working with long term.  The reasons for that come down to personal follow up, clear understanding of the needs, and obvious course correction based on feedback.  Zach is the only recruiter I’ve worked with in the past 10 years that has come close to my benchmark guy.


Zach wasn’t pushy.  He took the time to ask me good questions about my needs & expectations, going much deeper than typical recruiters.  His follow up wasn’t too frequent nor was it scarce.  He listened to my feedback about first candidates and quickly refined his search.  I never dreaded a call from Zach, wondering what smoke he’d blow my way next.  He even handled some awkward interactions with our brand new controller and our HR generalist with class.  I struggle to find ways to suggest improvement for Zach or the Skywater approach.


You’ve got a good formula going and Zach’s approach really jives with me.  He has earned a spot on my benchmark list.  I look forward to another opportunity to work with Zach and Skywater.


BTW, we are three days into our first week with our new hire and I’m super happy.

Vice President & General Manager – Industrial Mechanics

Jon has been incredible end-to-end. The talent he has brought us exceeds expectations, his communication is phenomenal, highly engaged, and he understands our business/culture. He moves fast and is aggressive which is critical for us as we grow. He has become our go-to recruiter for all things sales, engineering, management, Sr. leadership.

Operations Manager – Ecommerce Software

Kyle was great – he did exactly what I expected; without bugging me too much. He did his job and checked in to keep me on track, but also didn’t do so inappropriately. I appreciated that balance. I have a million things to do every day and I don’t have time to talk to the recruiter every day about every single thing (some do this); but Kyle had for me, a great balance of sending me candidates and checking in/pushing me along to get the job done.

I thought he did a great job understanding what I asked for after the first contact. I didn’t have to follow up and provide more context – he nailed it right out of the gate. He heard me! The candidates I interviewed were high-quality fits for the role and I ultimately ended up hiring one of them!

I would definitely work with Kyle and Skywater again.

Regional Sales Manager – Manufacturing

Jon did an exceptional job. I personally preferred how Jon made the introduction and let myself and my team coordinate with each candidate on interviews. In my experience, other recruiters can cause miscommunication and delays. We had none of that with Jon. Our new hire started yesterday and I am happy to have used SkyWater Search Partners. I will be reaching out the next time we need to hire.

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